Get to Know Me in 30 Seconds

It’s no secret: seniors have more fun than underclassmen. Maybe it’s senioritis, maybe it’s just getting too comfortable in school. Either way, I’m going to to have fun during this, my last full semester at BYU. I had to make this get-to-know-you video for a general requirement class and it is the first product of my new year’s resolution to make college fun again.

Note: The instructor did say in the instructions “Be as creative and loose as you want to (in fact, the less stuffy the better).” But I still think I’m just having a little more fun than most students are going to.

(no subject): A Response to a College Writing Assignment

Allow me to explain the title of my post. My little sister, who is still in high school, texted me and asked if I could answer some questions for her college writing class (I actually took that class from the same teacher when I was in high school, it was a great class). So I told her to send me the questions and I’d happily answer them. Her email, titled “(no subject),” contained questions about choosing a college to attend. While answering the questions, I realized that the purpose of the assingment was to give the students important information about preparing for college, and I believe that some of my answers could really help any high school kid who is in the process. So, I figured I’d put these Q and A’s into a post and share them with anyone who thinks it might help. Enjoy! (more…)